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>> Women´s Starlight - Essenz  >> Women´s Starlight (english) 

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Women´s Starlight (english)

Women`s Starlight helps you to express and live your own feelings.

I am valuable because I love myself ...

Deep down, I feel the love and the strong connection with all the other women and female beings that are a part of me ...

I allow myself to love myself with all that I am

I blow up all the walls that keep me from being close to myself.

I experience, strengthen and love my sensuality, my excellent intuition, spontaneity and creativity.

I finally get the honest respect and attention I always wanted.

I let myself be inspired by the creative femininity, the power of my own element, nature and the universe and gently awaken my own abilities, memories and talents.

I am never ashamed of my desires, longings, needs and feelings ...

I overflow with confidence and courageously live my own truth.

I recognize and stand by my own and unique value.

I love my body the way it is and feel beautiful and loved.

I can show myself gratitude.

I discover that in my deepest feelings, be it anger, grief, joy or love, my greatest strength is as a woman and I never let myself be condemned!

I trust myself, I can fall in confidence, be touched by my own vitality and what I really am.

I express freely what is important to me, without fear of being hurt or disappointed ...

I am one and in perfect harmony with the universal ear of all women and my innermost source of feminine energy. I recognize myself and am overjoyed to experience the grace, beauty and ecstatic diversity of my own being.

I enjoy the refreshing vitality, freedom, success and fulfillment in everything I do because I have earned it for a long time ..

One filling is enough for 50-60 x spraying.

Your magical aura will quickly surprise your fellow human beings and you will feel it too.

You will get in the set:

1 real fire opal (gemmologically tested)

1 fillable spray bottle with the following features:

- leak-proof design
- with drop seal
- glass bottle inside (ultralight aluminum outer casing)
- Incl. Mini funnels for optimal and easy filling
- Size about 83 mm (long) x 18 mm (wide)
- at every opportunity quickly at hand

***Including 7 NEW power formulas on femininity, self-love and
6th sense (intuition)***

Important note:

The color and shape of the stones is individual and may differ from the example image ... also the color of the bottle of the perfume that is chosen randomly from the colors: magenta, gold or red ...

To order, please use the following link: Women´s Starligt